Hello Founders, Humanity is going through a severe time of emergency and pandemic. It is really sad to watch such a horrible virus outbreak which has already ended so much life and don’t know how much more it will claim. In such a time of severe grievances, my team from ONPASSIVE and GoFounders , and I are praying for the safety of you and your family. I am heartily thankful to each Founder for keeping their faith on us and thank you for being a valued member of ONPASSIVE and GoFounders for all these years. We are on the verge of getting a breakthrough, and it will change the future of the world for good. I know it’s a very serious time but believe me, it will be over soon. Just hold to your ground and keep yourself safe and sanitized all the time. By judging the seriousness of the present situation, I thought it would be better to discuss some essential points about CoVid-19 or Novel Coronavirus and how to prevent them from being infected as you all know t...